# Docker Commands ## Images List docker images `docker image ls` Build a Dockerfile folder into an image `docker image build [path to folder] -t [tag name]` ## Containers List running containers `docker ps` Create a docker container from an image and run in the foreground `docker run -p [host port]:[docker port] [docker image tag]` Run in background `docker run -d -p [host port]:[docker port] [docker image tag]` Run with mounted volume `docker run -d -v [/path/to/host/folder]:[/path/to/docker/mount] -p [host port]:[docker port] [docker image tag]` Attach to the container `docker exec -t -i [container-id] /bin/bash` Remove all old containers `docker rm $(docker ps -qa --no-trunc --filter "status=exited")` Clean up old images, containers, networks and cache `docker system prune -f`